The EquipCC Blog

Do you want panic to be your default response?

Do you want panic to be your default response?

Do you experience frequent feelings of anxiety, stress or panic? Have you offered excuses for this by saying that it is just the way you are? Have you wondered why panic is your default response? What if, like a computer program, you were asked, ‘would you like panic to be your default response?’ How we can change it to a response that is deliberately decided and more helpful. You need to re-train your brain.

Normal Equality

Normal Equality

The judgement of what is regarded as ‘normal’ or not, is often informed by our own sense of normal, and will influence how we respond to others.

Bully Resilience: Changing the Game. An Overview.

Bully Resilience: Changing the Game. An Overview.

Your child is teased by someone and they are not affected by it. The reason they are not affected is because your child is not playing the Bully-game anymore. They have broken free of the tease/reaction cycle. Your child knows the choices they can make that serve to honour themselves, demonstrate value, keep to personal boundaries and be empowered by their own resilient strength.

If only I had more Confidence!

If only I had more Confidence!

Have you had times when you have felt overwhelmed by a challenging task that you wished you had the confidence to do? Have you experienced that brain numbing, internal scream that tells you when something is too big for you, or too much for you? If lacking confidence is the problem, then you may need to look to other sources to help you- look to others who have gone before you, start taking small steps toward your goal, listen to the encouragement of others.

3 Steps to Prevent Teacher Burnout.

3 Steps to Prevent Teacher Burnout.

Why is it, that a job that can be so rewarding, can also be so exhausting and so overwhelming? Why are so many leaving their positions or suffering from burnout? What causes the stress? What are the 3 steps to prevent teacher burnout?