The EquipCC Blog

Dreams Lost or Re-formed.

Dreams Lost or Re-formed.

How do we reconcile with the dreams that we longed for, the dreams that burned in our heart and soul. Dreams that cause us to ache and long and yearn for that something….more. Personally, I do not like aching and longing and yearning; it is too much like an itch that you cannot scratch, there is little comfort and may result in little peace. But ached I have, longed I have, and yearned I do. Am I just a fool who dreamed?

When…To Live is Pain

When…To Live is Pain

When life is in a state of deep despair with an overwhelming sense of hopelessness; then to live is pain. When life contains the perception that you cannot bear the experience of your own life; then to live is pain. When you can perceive of no possible outcome; positive, negative nor neutral, and with each day comes the laborious chore of having to get out of bed and participate in a life that you consider cares little for you; then to live is pain.

Stages of support for the LGBTIQ Community

Stages of support for the LGBTIQ Community

The topic of support for the LGBTIQ community, is a topic where opinions are fired across political, religious, and personal battlefields, with little attention being given to the collateral damage along the way. Opinions create blindness to the ‘us and us’ stories that surround. Stories where the personal endeavour of authenticity results in highs and lows, regardless of what letter one may identify as. What is needed to change?